Introduction to WordPress Gutenberg

If you follow WordPress development a little, you’ve probably heard of Gutenberg. It is the new editor interface being developed for WordPress 5.0. The goal is to bring the WordPress editor (and larger application) solidly into the modern content management system world. And it has stirred up plenty of controversy along the way.

For the recent WordPress Seattle Developer Meetup, I gave a short introduction and overview of Gutenberg. I highlighted how it works, noted some of the issues with it, and shared how to create your first Gutenberg block (based on the Gutenberg Handbook examples).

To check out my introduction to Gutenberg:

In WordPress, hide page name for protected pages

WordPress has a handy feature where you can password protect pages on your site. When a user lands on that page they are shown only the page name (preceded by “Protected”) and a form to enter a password.

On a recent project, I also wanted to hide the page name since that was also sensitive, along with the content of the page.

The fix is pretty easy, and uses the post_password_required() function.

Simply drop the following code into the functions.php file of your theme:

add_filter('protected_title_format', 'protected_title_function');

function protected_title_function($title) {

  if ( post_password_required() ) {
    $return_val = __('Protected', 'themedomain');
  } else {
    $return_val = '%s';
  return $return_val;

Don’t forget to also change the permalink since it is generally based on the text of the title.